Bloomerumi Care

Washing your Bloomerumi

What to avoid

  • Iron / excessive heating
  • Bleach AND/OR Bleaching products


We recommend hand washing your bloomerumi, as it'll keep it looking fresh and last longer.

  1. Fill your container (bath tub, sink, etc) with warm water and a half cap full of non-bleach detergent.
  2. Place your bloomerumi in container and start working the suds through the fabric. Avoid excessive scrubbing as this can damage the fleece and cause pilling (while fixable, let's avoid this as much as possible)
  3. Let it soak.
  4. Drain water and rinse the bloomerumi out with new warm water. Repeat this step until you have completely removed any of the suds remaining.
  5. Hang dry evenly. We recommend folding the outfit in half and hanging to dry.

    Machine Washing

    Avoid any sort of heat setting when washing and drying in a machine.

    1. Flip the bloomerumi inside out
    2. Machine wash on the gentle setting with cold water and 1/4th cup full of detergent (avoid any bleaching products). The safest option is to wash it separately.
    3. When drying, avoid any form of heat on your bloomerumi. "Air" / "Fluff" / "Cool" are the best settings.

    Spot Cleaning

    For spot cleaning stains on fleece, a non-chlorine based stain remover works well. Make sure to test any stain remover on a small, non-visible part first. (Recommended to test on the inside of your thigh band)

    Fleece Pilling

    If your bloomerumi begins to pill, you can fix pilled or old fleece by brushing the fleece with a velvety fabric lint brush (like this). Avoid rubbing your bloomerumi as much as possible, especially while cleaning.

    DO NOT USE: Fabric shavers. It continuously removes material from your bloomerumi and will cause holes. Lint brushes will instead gently comb the clumped fibers of your fleece back into it's fibers.

    Faux Fur Cleaning and Care

    If you're wonderful enough to snag yourself a furoomi design, you'll need to take special care in making sure they look clean and don't mat. Brush your fur every so often to keep it neat and tidy (avoid combing the fleece). If your fur becomes stained, be sure to use a stain remover. 

    We recommend hanging your outfit as much as possible.